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Employee Ownership


Superior Farms is proud to be 100% employee owned.  This provides a dedicated, highly skilled workforce committed to customer satisfaction because they have a stake in the company’s success.


Superior Farms’ has committed to the goal of providing each employee owner with the ability to retire in a similar economic status that they have enjoyed during their career through resources that include ESOP shares, 401(k) matching contributions, and government retirement funds.  


Supporting our Local Family Farmers 

Long term contracts ensure that Superior Farms will purchase a producer’s lambs over the life of the contract.  Producers are able to use that to secure financing to grow their operation.  


Superior Farms provides a ewe loan program for young producers to grow their flock.  When combined with a long-term contract it provides a sustainable foundation to start a financially viable sheep operation. 


Supporting Our Communities


The positive economic impact that Superior Farms has upon the communities in which we operate equals over $171 million.  This benefits communities where we operate in California, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa and Massachusetts.  


In 2018, Superior Farms participated in 51 state and county fairs’ junior livestock auctions.  Between 2011 and 2019, Superior Farms processed more than 50,000 lambs and goats from fairs.  We are an important partner to programs that support youth in agriculture like 4H and FFA that help create the next generation of farmers and ranchers for our country.    


Over 150 tours are provided annually through our packing plants. These tours are beneficial in educating people on how food is actually processed to go from the farm to their table.  

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